Date: September 26, 1985
Title: Beyond the Maps: A Look at the History of Atlas-Structure
Speaker: James Akerman, Map Librarian Intern, The Newberry Library
Location: Fellows’ Lounge, The Newberry Library
The speaker’s thesis at Pennsylvania State University concerned the arrangement and compilation of world-atlases in early modern Europe. His illustrated talk will deal with two episodes in the development of modern atlas-structures.
Date: October 24, 1985
Title: The Art of Mapmaking: A Traveling Exhibition of Dutch Cartography, Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution
Speaker: David Buisseret, Director, Hermon Dunlap Smith Center for the History of Cartography, The Newberry Library
Location: Fellows’ Lounge, The Newberry Library
David Buisseret will introduce the newly-mounted exhibition accompanying the Nebenzahl Lectures on Monarchs, Ministers and Maps.
Date: December 12, 1985
Title: Members’ Map Night
Speakers: Members of the Chicago Map Society
Location: Fellows’ Lounge, The Newberry Library
Dinner will follow our meeting.
Date: January 16, 1986
Title: Railroad Maps and the Early History of Chicago
Speaker: Jerry Musich, Curator of The City West Chicago Historical Museum
Location: Fellows’ Lounge, The Newberry Library
Date: February 20, 1986
Title: Map Conservation
Speaker: Robert Weinberg, of Graphic Conservation, Chicago, Ill.
Location: Fellows’ Lounge, The Newberry Library
Mr. Weinberg will discuss various aspects of conservation. If time and numbers allow, we may move over to Graphic Conservation, so please arrive on time.
Date: March 15, 1986
Title: Field Trip to Clements Library
Speaker: Michigan Map Society, Host
Location: Clements Library at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
The Society plans to visit the Clements Library at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, on Saturday, March 15th. Arriving in mid-afternoon, we shall meet at the Clements about 3:30 PM for an orientation tour, taking in some of the Library’s splendid 18th- and 19th-century Americana. Supper at a local restaurant will follow, with the possibility of speeches, and after supper we shall join members of the Michigan Map Society back at the Clements for presentations by four of their number on various topics.
Date: April 17, 1986
Title: Mental Maps: Images of Chicago
Speaker: Gary Fowler, Professor of Geography, University of Illinois at Chicago
Location: Fellows’ Lounge, The Newberry Library
Prof. Fowler last spoke of us in June 1976; since then he has pursued his interest in mental maps, and means this time to apply his theories particularly to Chicago.
Date: May 1, 1986
Title: Who Discovered Australia?: The Cartographic Evidence
Speaker: W. A. R. Richardson, Reader in Spanish and Portuguese, The Flinders University of South Australia
Location: Fellows’ Lounge, The Newberry Library
A tempest rages down under over the identity of the first discoverers of Australia. The Dutch sightings of 1606 are well documented, but a number of recent writers, basing their arguments on old maps, have attempted to make a case for a Portuguese discovery in the l520s. Mr. Richardson has pored over hundreds of old maps of the area with the eyes of a linguist and paleographer and has come up with powerful new evidence based on the placenames on the maps.
Date: May 15, 1986
Title: New Perspectives on the Map
Speaker: David Woodward, Professor Geography, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Location: Fellows’ Lounge, The Newberry Library
This meeting is the tenth anniversary of the Chicago Map Society and will be followed by a light dinner.